Be aware of scams and always use this domain: https://app.javsphere.com or https://vanillaswap.org/#/swap!

If you sell DUSD or any other token to get DFI on TradeX or VanillaSwap, you will get Wrapped DFI (WDFI). To send them you the DeFiChain ecosystem you have to convert them to regular DFI first.

This can be done easily via https://vanillaswap.org/#/swap.

You have to add 'WDFI' manually to your Metamask by adding a custom token: 0x49febbF9626B2D39aBa11C01d83Ef59b3D56d2A4

You can also verify the WDFI token address here: https://blockscout.mainnet.ocean.jellyfishsdk.com/token/0x49febbF9626B2D39aBa11C01d83Ef59b3D56d2A4

Last updated