Previous Proposals

Proposal 2 Approved: Your Vote for a Stronger Javsphere Ecosystem!


The proposal is to reduce the APR in all JAV CryoVaults (incl. Vesting Freezer 10m and 20m) by 50%.

Full description

This adjustment is based on valuable community feedback and aims to align our ecosystem with current market conditions.

  • Demand vs. Inflation: The current demand for CryoJAV is significantly lower than the inflation rate. Reducing the APR will help balance this discrepancy.

  • Market Conditions: To maintain a healthy ecosystem, it’s essential to adjust our inflation rate in response to changing market conditions. This proposal aims to achieve that balance.

  • Reduced Selling Pressure: By lowering the APR, we anticipate a decrease in the selling pressure on JAV Tokens. This reduction will contribute to a more stable market environment.

  • Price Stabilization: Stabilizing the price of JAV is a primary goal of this proposal. A more stable token price will benefit all members of our ecosystem, from traders to long-term holders.

Your participation is crucial for the success of this proposal. Voting will commence on Friday, 26th July 2024, and will be open for 7 days. Your vote will help shape the future of the Javsphere ecosystem and ensure that we continue to grow and thrive.

Proposal 1 Approved: LeverageX Marketing Campaign: $200,000 for Major Growth!


The proposed $200,000 USDT marketing campaign for LeverageX is a significant step toward attracting new users and enhancing platform usage. Your vote is vital to making this happen, so participate via

Who is eligible? Users of StakeX JAV, Cryo JAV, and Users with JAV Token in Vesting. The voting power differs between your JAV in different products (#voting-multipliers).

Voting Time

  • VOTING STARTS: 20. June 2024, 12:00 PM CEST

  • VOTING ENDS: 23. June 2024, 11:59 PM CEST

Full Description

We are excited to present a significant proposal for the LeverageX product: a $200,000 marketing campaign designed to attract new users, drive platform growth, and increase the value of the JAV token.

Our decision to allocate $200,000 instead of swapping it for DUSD is strategic. The amount was raised during our community distribution and was initially intended for conversion to DUSD, to support the falling DUSD price. However, due to recent price volatility and upcoming DeFiChain Improvement Proposals, the future of DUSD remains uncertain. While it would make little impact in using it to support the DUSD price now, it will make a much more significant impact when used for this campaign. This proposal represents our first step into on-chain governance, giving our community a direct voice in our strategic decisions. This isn't just a proposal to reallocate funds; it's an opportunity for you to shape Javsphere's future directly.

This decision is not against the DUSD or the DeFiChain ecosystem. On the contrary, attracting new users will bring more attention and adoption to DeFiChain faster than other methods. This influx of users can lead to increased usage of DeFiChain products and services, driving up demand and benefiting everyone involved. We remain fully committed to DUSD and DeFiChain, believing that DUSD has the potential to heal itself by design through the current DFIPs rather than relying solely on monetary intervention.

Here's what we plan to do with the $200,000 in USDT:

  • Target New User Groups: We aim to attract traders and crypto investors new to our platform.

  • Focused Advertising: Deploy targeted advertising campaigns on popular crypto and social media platforms.

  • Partnerships and Sponsorships: Form strategic partnerships with key influencers and sponsor crypto events to increase visibility.

  • Educational Content: Create high-quality educational content to inform potential users about the benefits of LeverageX.

This approach will not only bring in new users but also positively influence platform usage, resulting in higher trading fees and more real yield for JAV holders. This campaign will significantly impact the JAV token in the future.

Your participation is crucial as this proposal needs a majority vote of more than 50% to be executed. This means the $200,000 USDT marketing campaign will kick off, targeting traders and crypto investors and driving significant growth for LeverageX and the entire Javsphere ecosystem.

Thank you for your continued support and involvement in shaping the future of Javsphere.

Last updated