πŸ’²StakeX DUSD

Generate Yield on DUSD

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What is DUSD Staking?

Javsphere’s decision to launch with DUSD staking is rooted in its commitment to support the dToken system on both the native DeFiChain and the DMC. This product is especially pivotal as it introduces the utility of DUSD staking, previously only available on the native side, to the DMC. It serves to bridge the gap between the native and meta chain layers, adding significant value to the DeFiChain ecosystem as a whole. ▢️ Read more

How Javsphere’s DUSD Staking Works

Javsphere’s approach to DUSD staking is user-centric and efficiency-driven. If you have DUSD on the DMC, Javsphere will manage the transfer of these funds to the native side and handle all aspects of vault management. This includes managing loans, looping, and reinvesting yields. Javsphere’s service narrows the utility gap between the DMC and native side, offering a more seamless experience.

StakeX utilizes smart contracts on the DeFi Meta Chain (DMC) to automate the staking process, handling the looping and monitoring tasks, thus mitigating risks and saving time for users. StakeX users simply deposit their DUSD, and the system manages the rest, including reward distribution and reinvestment. More information:

πŸ€‘pageDUSD Staking Yield

Last updated