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Freeze your JAV tokens with to maximize your returns.

You have 5 different freezer options:

  • 1 month

  • 3 months

  • 6 months

  • 12 months

  • 24 months

Be aware that frozen JAV tokens are locked for the selected duration and cannot be accessed prematurely.


And there is even more! You will be rewarded with multiple airdrops as well!

Wait more airdrops? YES!

And this time from other exciting and promising projects and tokens on several chains like DMC, BSC and Ethereum.

Learn more in this video about how, which and when the Airdrops will be 😱

A 0.1% deposit fee and a 0.5% withdrawal fee apply when you freeze or unfreeze your JAV tokens.


For normal CryoVaults (1m, 3m, 6m, 12m and 24m) a 0.1% deposit fee and a 0.5% withdrawal/claim fee apply when you freeze or unfreeze your JAV tokens or claim rewards.

For Vesting Freezer (10m and 20m) a 0.5% rewards claim fee apply when you claim your rewards.

Last updated