
AutoPilot is our automated portfolio manager.

The AutoPilot product is a user-driven portfolio management tool leveraging SC technology. Users can create and manage a portfolio consisting of cryptocurrencies and dTokens. The AutoPilot SC then executes trades, buying assets using DFI or DUSD. Trades occur either on a DMC DEX within the DeFi Meta Chain (DMC) or, for greater liquidity, via a bot transferring funds to Native DeFiChain's DEX.

The AutoPilot monitors portfolio allocations at set intervals, rebalancing as needed to align with the userโ€™s initial configuration. This rebalancing utilizes the same trading pathways as initial purchases, ensuring consistency in the management process.

Regarding fee generation, the Fee Management SC is programmed to levy a rebalancing fee, converting this fee into JAV tokens. The acquired JAV tokens are then distributed, with 50%* allocated to JAV Staking and Cryo JAV, while the remaining 50%* are burned.

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