⛓️DeFiChain & DMC Overview

The underlaying blockchains for Javsphere.


Connecting old and new worlds. A blockchain dedicated to fast, intelligent and transparent decentralized financial services, accessible by everyone.


DeFiChain offers comprehensive functionality tailored to the Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) community, with an emphasis on simplicity, speed, and security.


    Unparalleled high transaction throughput for all transactions.


    Turing-incomplete for reduced attack vectors.


    Marries the best of Proof-of-Stake, with the security of Bitcoin.


    Rapidly create a variety of DeFi apps on one chain.


    Wide range of crypto-economic financial operations.

▶️ Read more about DeFiChain on the official website.

DeFi Meta Chain - The powerful upgrade of DeFiChain.

MetaChain adds an EVM-compatible environment to the DeFiChain ecosystem, which allows developers to seamlessly build next generation applications that runs in parallel with the native chain.

Game-Changing Upgrade

DMC introduces smart contracts to DeFiChain, revolutionizing its capabilities.

Seamless Cross-Chain

DMC serves as a seamless cross-chain bridge to directly connect Bitcoin, Ethereum, and DeFiChain.

DFI as Fuel

DFI serves as both the main currency and essential 'gas' for transactions within DMC.

▶️ Read more about DeFi Meta Chain on the official website.

Last updated