General Description
The LeverageX product consists of several contracts that operate through the Diamond architecture. All calls are directed to the JavMultiCollatDiamond
contract, which then delegates execution to various libraries based on the selected logic.
JavBorrowingFees - Storage and interaction with borrowing fees
JavFeeTiers - Storage and interaction with fee at different levels of interaction with orders
JavPairsStorage -Stores information about all pairs and their configurations
JavPriceAggregator - Allows to receive and update the price of pairs at the time of opening/closing/updating trades
JavPriceImpact - Stores the necessary information to interact with price impact logic
JavReferrals - stores information about the referral system leverageX
JavTradingInteractions - Allows to open/close/update trades
JavTradingProcessing - Support faucet for JavTradingInteractions that allows to manage different types of orders (market, limit and etc).
JavTradingStorage - Stores information about all trades
Additional contracts
JavBorrowingProvider - A contract that allows investors to invest tokens to generate profits through the LLP token. And for traders, it allows them to use the available tokens while trading
LLPToken - token that is purchased through a borrowing provider and participates in the earn side
Last updated
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