
LeverageX will launch in Q3/2024. Currently, the go-live status is at 20%.

The current development steps are the following:


  1. Testnet Deployment

    • Gains Fork Deployment

    • Step Audit Smart Contract

    • Configuration Smart Contracts

    • Integration Oracle System

    • Integration Vaults for DMC Tokens

--------------------------------------- 20%


  1. Backend Services

    • API Endpoints for UI

    • Liquidation Bot

  2. UI Development for Testnet Trader Side

  3. Optimization of Oracle System (Protection DEX)

  4. Fork for LP Pool

    • Step Audit Smart Contract

  5. Integration with Gains Fork

  6. Final Audit Smart Contracts

  7. UI Development for Testnet Earn/Investor Side

  8. Testing on Testnet

  9. Deployment Mainnet

  10. Testing on Mainnet

Besides the product development, the Javsphere community has already approved a $200,000 marketing budget for a dedicated LeverageX marketing campaign. Learn more in this video.

Last updated