📃Frontend Overview

All details of CryoDUSD frontend

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Connect your wallet first

Before you can start using CryoDUSD you have to Connect Metamask. You need $DUSD (for investing) and $DFI (as gas fee) to use CryoDUSD.

Use CryoDUSD

1. Metachain & Metamask

You will see your connected network 'Metachain Mainnet' and your EVM address next to the Metamask icon.

2. Product Description

CryoVault is Javsphere's premier, cutting-edge freezer product, designed to enhance your staking experience on Javsphere.

3. Select Product

Here, you can see the selected stack. In this case, it is 'DUSD Staking' and the related APY (DUSD Staking Yield) and TVL (Total Value Locked) of all users.

Here, you can see the selected product. In this case, it is 'CryoDUSD' and the related max. APR (CryoDUSD Yield) and TVL (Total Value Locked) of all users.

4. Expected Yield

This section shows your expected yield in DUSD from CryoDUSD for the next 24 hours based on your current investments. Please remember that this value may vary depending on changes in APR and your invested amounts.

5. Your Balances

In this section, you see:

  • 'Total invested DUSD', means your DUSD amount over all CryoVaults in CryoDUSD.

  • 'DUSD in your wallet' shows the amount of DUSD in your Metamask/on your EVM address available to put into DUSD Staking.

  • 'Total earned' summarizes your earned rewards through CryoDUSD on the connected address.

6. Statistics

Displays earned rewards generated through CryoDUSD within the last few days.

7. Approve & Stake

When you use CryoDUSD for the first time, you have to give the smart contract the permission ('Spending cap request for your DUSD') to invest a certain amount of DUSD from your wallet into DUSD staking 'Approve'. This step is necessary, otherwise the smart contract will not be able to invest your DUSD. Please remember that for this step and staking you need enough $DFI as gas fee in your wallet. If not, the transaction can't be executed. Please note that this transaction may take a few minutes due to the block time of the DeFiChain.

Afterwards you receive a 'Transaction pending' information. The transaction is successful when you receive a 'Transaction complete' notification.

As soon as you have approved the 'Spending cap request for your DUSD', you can invest DUSD into CryoDUSD.

  1. Then you have to choose the period you want to invest your DUSD for by flipping the switch 12 months or 24 months.

  2. Therefore, enter the desired amount of DUSD (maximum is the amount in your “DUSD in your wallet”

  3. Click on “invest”

  4. A pop-up window will open, and you need to approve the Investment time that you want to lock up in writing “twelve” or “twentyfour”, and click “Confirm”.

  5. 'Invest'. A Metamask window opens, and you have to press 'Confirm' to finalize the 'CryoDUSD' transaction. Please note that this transaction may take a few minutes due to the block time of the DeFiChain.

IMPORTANT: as soon as you hit confirm, the DUSD will be frozen in the CryoVault on the smart contract for the months selected. You cannot unfreeze the DUSD before the time is lapsed.

Afterwards you receive a 'Transaction pending' information. The transaction is successful when you receive a 'Transaction complete' notification. This will be indicated as ‘DUSD in 12-month or 24-month CryoVault' in the 'Details' (9).

8. Claim

Rewards will be earned block by block and be claimable after some blocks and as soon as you see the word ‘claim’ in green next to ‘Your claimable amount’. By clicking on ‘claim’ you can claim/withdraw them to your wallet. Every claim process will consume gas fees in DFI, so ensure you have DFI on your metamask wallet.

9. Your CryoVaults

Under the 'Your CryoVaults' section you see all your CryoDUSD Vaults.

10. History

At the bottom of the page you can see your CryoDUSD history:

  • Amount - indicates how much DUSD you have invested at this time.

  • Block - shows the block at which you have invested your DUSD.

  • Type - shows for what period you invested them.

  • Lock date - is the block time converted into ‘real-time’.

  • Release date - shows you when your invested DUSD will be claimable in the future in ‘real-time’; this time can vary due to block time irregularity (not every block takes exactly 30 seconds).

  • Transaction ID - shows you the transaction on the blockchain; clicking on the transaction ID lets you view the details via the DeFiChain Block Explorer.

  • Token ID indicates your investment that is simultaneously an NFT that can be traded on a marketplace in the future.

Last updated